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Good Catch/Near Miss Program

A Good Catch is when someone recognizes an unsafe condition or poor-quality work, and proactively takes action to prevent something bad from happening. This may involve pausing the work, correcting the unsafe situation or poor-quality work and coaching involved employees.

Near misses describe incidents where no property was damaged and no personal injury sustained, but given a slight shift in
time or position, damage and/or injury easily could have occurred.

Quarter 1 - 2024

Good Catch/Near Miss
Jorge Marroquin has been recognized as the recipient of the Good Catch/Near Miss award for the first quarter of 2024. His keen eye spotted a defective sling in the field intended for lifting a section of a lattice tower. This sling, upon inspection, revealed serious damage that could have led to a major incident if utilized. Through his attentiveness to rigging safety and thorough review of his work, Jorge averted a potential rigging failure incident. Kudos to Jorge for his exemplary diligence and commitment to safety. Great job!
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Grand Prize for 2023

Good Catch/Near Miss

All employees that entered a Good Catch/Near Miss ticket throughout the year were entered into the Grand Prize Drawing.

The Grand Prize Winner for 2023 Good Catch/Near Miss is Diego Chazares.  

Quarter 4 - 2023

Good Catch/Near Miss

Darriel Walker. By doing a thorough pre-task hazard inspection, he was able to spot a potentially serious situation that could have put lives in danger when he found that he pole adjacent to the one being worked on had serious structural damage. The work that was being performed could have broken adjacent pole and resulted catastrophic consequences for not only our APS crew, but also to the grid being worked on. 


Quarter 3 -2023

Good Catch/Near Miss

 Sam Snell. Sam had good situations awareness and was watching out for his fellow workers when he stopped an equipment operator from coming into contact with an energized Powerline that he was unaware of. 

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